Two of my favorite pops – back to back ✌️❤️💥

Man I feel spoiled here cause the other day I tried to watch another doctor (Mr.PopZit) and he doesn’t numb patients much at all, only uses forceps and 11 blades or 25 mm punches and always says you never remove sacks from “seatle tacomas” and says no one can ever remove 100% of a cyst so you’ll always grow it back and have to come back and it drives me absolutely nuts knowing what I know from watching these videos for the last 10 years on YouTube from Dr. Lee!!!

You are so good at removing cysts and although I know that some people are annoyed by your chatter but I like that too because I think that it calms people down. And your asking them if it hurts and being generous with the numbing injections. But I cringe watching you with the blackhead and whitehead removals using that damaging comedone extracting tool when just a prick or lance and then a fingertip squeeze would be more complete and less damaging.

I could watch you for hours you are so caring and very precise