Splatter on the Wall Pilar Cysts

I’m glad that there are doctors out there who recognize that, while something is “non-life threatening”, the affects it has on a person’s confidence and mental health is a part of the quality of life. Patients shouldn’t be dismissed and patients should feel confident to have these procedures done, if they can afford it which is the other problem we have in a for profit health care system.

I kept holding my breath with each removal, but when you exposed the darker cyst, I just knew that had to be the culprit! Your dodging skills have not dulled. Thanks Dr Lee & assistants!!

I absolutely love your show ma’am. I’m 51yr old British Army Veteran from Southampton UK. I have multiple degenerative physical and mental chronic and acute health battles. 30yr ongoing nightmare etc. This had 2 huge under jaw abscess taken out about 6 months back. Unfortunately I think one is coming back. But my pain is 21 out of 10. But my mottos which are proudly tattooed next to my Arm are:
Forward Forever – Backwards Never. Progress Not Perfection. Adapt and Overcome. Never Give Up Or In”.