85 Year Old Blackhead! Dr Pimple Popper Most Popular Pop of ALL TIME

I had something like this grow near my armpit as a kid, only mine was way bigger and took only two months to get like that. My parents took me to the doctor after I had dug out half of it with a sewing needle and razor blade. Turns out it was actually a cancerous growth that could have killed me if left unchecked.

I would suggest that a lens loop (used for intracapsular cataract extractions) would be useful in removing these large blackheads, and a chalazion curette for some of the smaller ones.

When I was a little girl my grandmother had a lump, maybe a wart?, at the end of her left eyebrow. It wasn’t huge, but it was a part of her. She had it removed, and for a while I didn’t like that it was gone, because it was a prt of my image of her.