Some Squishy Blackheads

I will be 60 this summer and I had cystic acne on my cheeks starting when I was 13.
God bless my mother, she couldn’t afford it but she took me to a dermatologist right before I started High school. I was so self-conscious that I would hide my face like lay my hand across my nose to cover up my cheeks and I prayed every night to have nice skin.

After 2 years of going to the dermatologist, it helped and I kind of outgrew the acne at the same time. By the time I was a senior my face was decent very decent.
It is so hard for kids who struggle with acne. I know the pain and I’m way past it but I feel for these kids that it affects them.

Today I actually get a lot of comments on my skin. Ever since I had acne, I started taking really good care of my skin and have done so for many many many many many years.
I thank God everyday for my good skin that I prayed for when I was 13